Colorful vignettes painted softly with inspiration in hope of recovery blending light humor into adult life confounded by misdiagnosed ADD leading to child abuse drenched under cloudbursts of PTSD.

Complex PTSD is psychological injury resulting from continual abuse. There’s no escape because the abuser is often a parent.
Abusers may have Sadistic Personality Disorder. The hallmark of SPD is that the person enjoys inflicting cruelty upon others.

15.} The Story of Cinderella {Told Backwards}

The following photos have been
lurking around my mind for some time.
Who took them why or when is a mystery.
A thread regarding them once thrived with several
people guessing in turn what it was they were looking at.
Allow yourself, now, to become enlightened here along with them….

Interlude: Forward

Curses on this
convoluted learning curve!
Inexplicably, both formatting and
pictures often mysteriously disappear!
Certain words enter into mind regarding my
blogging experience, but I won't repeat them here...