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Have you
ever had trouble
concentrating, found
it hard to sit still, interrupted
others during a conversation or acted
impulsively without thinking things through?

Can you recall a time when you
daydreamed or had difficulty
focusing on a task at hand?
Most people can picture
acting like this from time to time.
But for some, these and many other
exasperating behaviors occur uncontrollably.

They confound daily life, interfere with forming
friendships, succeed at school, home or in a career.
ADHD continuing into adulthood is the cause of many
personal and work problems, strained relationships,
anger, depression, and alcohol or substance abuse.
Adults may also suffer from low self-esteem,
an increased sense of frustration,
and many problems caused
by lack of focus and
organizational skills.

ADHD, Inattentive Type:
Children diagnosed with the
Inattentive type of ADHD have
trouble focusing on any one thing
and may become bored with a task
at hand after merely a few minutes.
However if doing something enjoyable,
they will have less trouble paying attention.

But focusing deliberate, conscious
attention to organizing and
completing a task or
learning something
new is difficult.
Homework is particularly
hard for these children.
They may forget to
write down an
or leave it
at school.
They forget to
bring a certain book
home or bring the wrong one.
The homework, if finally finished,
will be full of mistakes.
This often causes
frustration for
child and
Inattentive children are rarely
hyperactive or impulsive but have
significant difficulty in paying attention.

They appear to be confused and spaced out
as if living in daydreams while not present.
They may process information more slowly
and less accurately than other children.
They have a hard time understanding
what he or she is supposed to do
when a teacher gives oral
or written instructions.
Mistakes are frequent
and a child may sit
quietly and appear
to be working,
in reality not
fully attending
or understanding the
task or the instructions.

Indicators of Inattention:
Not giving close attention to
details or making careless mistakes
in school, work, or other play activities;
distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds;
failing to pay attention to instructions,
not finishing work, chores or duties;
losing or forgetting things like toys, pencils,
books, assignments and tools needed for a task;
having trouble organizing activities;

often skipping from one activity to
another without ever completing any of them;
not appearing to be listening when spoken to directly;
avoiding what requires much mental effort and for long stretches of time.
ADD often accompanies anxiety issues, learning disabilities, speech
or hearing problems, and obsessive-compulsive disorder;
An inattentive daydreamer, the passive child
could be perceived as unmotivated.
Distractibility, lack of concentration
and/or impulsivity negatively
affect behavior, performance
during school, or in making friends.

In a classroom of 25 to 30 children,
it is likely at least one will have ADHD.
About 20 to 30 % of children
with ADHD also have a
learning disability.
This often appears
as a difficulty
certain sounds, words
and/or inadequacy when
verbally expressing oneself.

Stimulant medicine
commonly prescribed to diminish
ADD symptoms include:
Amphetamines: Dexedrine, Dextrostat, Adderall
Methylphenidate: Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate, Methylin
Stimulant drugs are often beneficial in curbing hyperactivity
and impulsivity, helping individuals focus, work, and learn.
Sometimes the drugs will also help with coordination
problems which hindered sports and handwriting.

Has a late-afternoon coffee/tea/cola ever
revitalized your mind just enough to
help you make it through the
rest of the work day?
Stimulant medications
offer unique relief for
ADHD sufferers all day long.

These medications only control symptoms
on the day they are taken, so it’s important
to remember that the disorder cannot be cured.
About 10% of children gain no benefit from stimulants.

Is about three times more common among boys than girls.
Is among the most common mental disorders among children.
It has been identified in every nation and culture that has been studied.
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