Is anybody there?

Do you ever feel like
someone's watching you?

I mean, really,
intensely watching
every move you make?

I always feel like
someone is
looking at me,
no matter where I go.

Maybe I just imagine
everything after all...

Tonight, my good friends
Gert and Bernie dropped
by for a visit with us...

Bernie, have you ever
felt, like, paranoid?
That you weren't
all by yourself?
Hey, Bailey,
Bernie never does,
but I do all the time!

Really? Gert, tell us
all about that!
Well, it's like,
someone is
watching me
everywhere I go!

We can only imagine
how that must feel, Gert.
It happens when I'm cooking,
cleaning or just watching TV...
even when I'm having a bath!

You don't say, Gert, describe
that for us so we can know
what it must have been
like for you, alone...
And, Bailey, just
when I think I
am alone and
can relax some,
I spot Bernie there
staring straight at me
from right in the doorway!

That's incredibly hard for
me to believe, Gert!
What do you have to
say for yourself, Bernie?
Were you spying on Gert?

No way, Bailey!
I just happen
to be in
the wrong
place each time
she takes off all
her clothes and
climbs naked
into the

I guess
that wraps up
another episode of
Bailey's 'Answers To Life!'
with your enquiring host,
Bailey the 'Scaredy-Cat!'
Tune in tomorrow when
Bert and I take a peek
at Gert in the tub to
make sure she's
really all by

I do have a
sense of humor today!
And Steve, if you ever
see this and not think
it very funny,
I'm ok with
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