Colorful vignettes painted softly with inspiration in hope of recovery blending light humor into adult life confounded by misdiagnosed ADD leading to child abuse drenched under cloudbursts of PTSD.

Complex PTSD is psychological injury resulting from continual abuse. There’s no escape because the abuser is often a parent.
Abusers may have Sadistic Personality Disorder. The hallmark of SPD is that the person enjoys inflicting cruelty upon others.

Preface: Why The Crescent Moon Wails

Many of us
adrift in the universe
must share belief in a special place
awaiting our childhood caregivers and their ilk.
It is their reward for endowing our lives with
the egregious gifts of crippled bodies,
shattered minds, and

iii: The Imperishable Havanabrownsam

entered my life
curled snugly asleep
in the palm of my hand.
When told his age, I calculated
his birthday to be January 6, 1989...
Little Christmas!

ii: Dying From Life, Living In Death

When you're eleven years old
waiting for sleep each night to bring
an end to one more day, reposed as a
corpse at a wake in a funeral home where
grieving family and saddened classmates bring
empty goodbyes while whispering regrets,
never while living would even one try;
this is as good as it ever can get
and the norm becomes
meaningless as the
blissful void of

i: When Madness Howled Back

of becoming
a poet or writer,
not an adult survivor.
In grammar and high schools,
I read or wrote in spare moments.
When discovered in creative solitude,
they told me my introverted behavior was
abnormal and that I needed psychiatric help!